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august, 2024

How to Work Effectively with Suppliers and Partners

Hi, everyone! Today we’re diving into the world of business interactions to reveal the secrets that will help you work effectively with suppliers and partners.
Forget the standard advice you find in any business guide; I’m going to share strategies that really work but aren’t widely known. Get ready for some fresh and unconventional recommendations!

Making Initial Contact

Building Strong Connections

Secret #1:
Tune into Their “Vibe”

When you make first contact, it's crucial not just to state your intentions but to understand your counterpart's emotions. Before the meeting, check out their social media. Learn what matters to them and what they’re proud of. This insight helps you start the conversation on the right note. For example, if your partner recently won an award or competition, start with congratulations. This creates a positive atmosphere and helps you stand out.

Secret #2:
Dress as Part of Your Strategy

What to wear to the first meeting or an important presentation? Remember, your attire should not only be business-appropriate but also reflect your personality. If the meeting isn’t formal, you can opt for something more creative yet still professional. Your appearance shouldn’t distract from the core conversation, but it shouldn’t be dull either. For instance, a stylish accessory or a standout piece of clothing can emphasize your uniqueness and leave a lasting impression.

Effective Communication and Time Management

Secret #3: Plans and Context
Understanding the context is crucial. Instead of merely discussing action plans, explain how your suggestions align with your partner’s long-term goals. This makes the discussion more meaningful and shows that you’ve thoroughly researched their business. Linking your ideas to their strategic objectives fosters deeper and more productive collaboration.

Secret #4: The Secret of Time Management

Optimal time distribution is key to productivity. Rather than sticking to traditional task planning, try the concept of “time balancing.” Dedicate morning hours to creative and strategic tasks, and save routine actions for the afternoon. This approach helps maintain high energy and focus throughout the day.

Avoiding Mistakes: A Fresh Perspective

Secret #5:
Retro Reports

Before starting a partnership, look into not just the current state but also the history of your partner’s interactions. What challenges have they faced? What mistakes have been made in the past? This will help you avoid repeating the same errors and propose more informed solutions.

Secret #6:
Trust is Gold

Create a system for ongoing feedback collection. This will help you not only track progress but also promptly address any issues. Feedback should be regular and used to improve processes and relationships.

Crisis Moments: Staying Afloat

Secret #7: Crisis “Prototypes”
Develop several action plans for different crisis scenarios. This preparation helps you stay ready for unexpected events and respond swiftly and effectively. Each plan should be tailored to specific types of issues.

Secret #8: Continuous Updates

Don’t wait for problems to become obvious. Regularly review your strategies and approaches, adapting to current trends and market changes. This helps you stay ahead and always be ready for new challenges.

Briefly summarized above

Secret #1

Before you meet, check out your potential partner's social networks. Find out what they care about, what they are proud of.

Secret #2

Remember that your clothes should not only fit your business style, but also reflect your personality.

Secret #3

Describe how your proposals relate to the partner's long-term goals

Secret #4

Optimal time management is the key to productivity

Secret #5

Before you start a partnership, research not only your current situation, but also your partner's business history

Secret #6

Establish a system for collecting feedback on an ongoing basis.

Secret #7

Develop several contingency plans for different crisis situations.

Secret #8

Regularly review your strategies and approaches, adapting to current trends and changes in the market.
So, those are the unconventional and effective strategies for working with suppliers and partners. Apply these tips, and you’ll find your collaboration not only productive but enjoyable as well.