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may, 2024

IT Revolution
on Farms:
How Technology
is Boosting Calf Survival

One of the significant challenges on dairy farms and cattle ranches is the high mortality rate of newborn livestock offspring. The perinatal period is particularly critical, with around 50% of newborn animal deaths occurring during this time.
The main causes of this issue include human errors and inadequate supervision during the birthing process, delayed assistance, and insufficient monitoring of pregnant animals, leading to the loss of newborns and subsequent financial losses for farmers.
The Role of Video Analytics Systems
Video analytics systems offer a modern solution to this problem, leveraging advanced computer vision and data analysis technologies. Here's how they can make a difference:
Labour monitoring
Continuous observation of the behavior of pregnant livestock and newborn livestock offspring helps detect any abnormalities, such as delayed labor or birth complications.
Automatic Alerts
The system automatically sends alerts to operators and veterinarians about any unusual animal behavior, enabling them to react quickly.
Health Monitoring
By monitoring and analyzing the behavior of newborns, the system can detect diseases early, allowing for prompt treatment and reducing mortality.
Monitoring Prenatal Animal Behavior
Tracking abnormal behavior patterns, such as increased aggression or apathy, can indicate health issues or stress in animals.
Staff Training
Using videos from the system to train staff improves their skills in early problem recognition and timely assistance.
Statistical Analysis
Data collected by the system can be used for statistical analyses, identifying common trends and factors, which helps develop more effective strategies for managing and preventing problem
Benefits of Using a Video Analytics System
  • Instant Detection of Problems
    The system quickly identifies abnormalities during labor and in newborn animal health, allowing for immediate action to prevent losses.
  • Reducing Mortality
    Rapid responses to detected issues have led to a decrease in the mortality rate of newborn livestock offspring during the perinatal period.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency
    Timely responses to hazardous situations reduce the number of occupational injuries and accidents.
  • Optimizing Protection Costs
    Analyzing data helps identify trends and factors affecting animal health, enabling the development of more effective management and prevention strategies.
  • Cost Reduction
    Preventing newborn animal losses during the perinatal period reduces costs associated with treatment, compensation for losses, and additional breeding of new stock.
Avoiding animal losses during the perinatal period reduces the costs of treatment, loss compensation and additional breeding of new stock.
Custom Software Solutions for Your Farm