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When autumn turns into winter, when one picks the latest harvest, cold and long winter is coming, we celebrate the most mysterious holiday — Halloween.
When autumn turns into winter, when one picks the latest harvest, cold and long winter is coming, we celebrate the most mysterious holiday — Halloween. Remember how it was last year?


Every autumn we celebrate this holiday and organize a theme party for children of our employees. Last year Jack Sparrow visited us.
See yourself how fun it was!

Holiday mood was in the air for the whole day!
Joyful contests brightened our work that day.
Our designers are good at everything, so painting children holds pleasure for them.
By the way, not only children enjoyed the celebration, here is Inga trying to reach the sweets faster than children.
Trick or Treat!?)
And here are the long-awaited sweets !!)
Despite the fact that Halloween is considered to be a holiday of evil spirits, good always wins … and sweets)
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